Lofn of Yascaret

same old songs just once more

Last Updated: 6/18/2022


Forest Name: Lofn of Yascaret
City Name: --
Species: Viera (Rava)
Age: ???
Pronouns: She/her
Height: Six fulms & eight ilms
Build: Tall, long of limb, full breasts and hips. A little toned, but a little padding too.
Orientation: Lesbian
Wives: Aja Hyskaris & Pjel Qoet
Distinguishing Marks: Dense, white dappling across her nose, cheeks, and anywhere else one might typically find freckles. Very faint heterochromia (right eye silver, left eye lavender).
Proficiencies: Longrifle, spear
Talents: Cooking, singing, sketching, gardening, tinkering, shooting
Occupation: Housewife & sky pirate
Residence: Lente's Bole (thirteeth ward of the Goblet, plot 56), private residence (fourth ward of Shirogane, plot 9)

From salve-maker to sky pirate to housewife, Lofn has lived many lives—and to her great dismay, has found meaning in all of them. After several decades of restless wandering (by choice and circumstance both), she has at last struck a balance between her aptitude for domesticity and her thirst for adventure. When she and her two wives are not treasure-hunting and glory-seeking aboard their airship, Lofn keeps busy with cooking and housework between their workshop in Ul'dah and their private residence in Shirogane.

Nurturing Aloof
Romantic Depressive
Charming Anxious
Clever Territorial
Gardening Crowds
Cooking Men
Machines Noise
Architecture Ambiguity


Appreciators of Moko. Lofn grows a few varieties of "moko" grass smuggled from Dalmasca, bred especially for potency and a more floral aroma. Characters who smoke, or are seeking pain or stress relief, may have purchased from her before, or may be pointed in her direction!Lente’s Bole. Viera immigrants feeling lost or displaced in a world not their own may well have caught wind of a home in Ul’dah for others such as them. Though not formally advertised as such, it has nonetheless become something of a gathering hub for drifters from Golmore and Skatay; one with clean, dry beds and a pantry that is always brimming with vieran home cooking.Sky Pirate. Lofn spent several years heckling the Garlean military and relieving them of their cargo alongside the crew of the sky pirate vessel, the Kestrel. Other sky pirates (or Garleans) from in and around Dalmasca may be familiar with her or her crew.Of the Wood. Before being exiled from Golmore, Lofn was given to wander throughout Her boughs well beyond the bounds Yascaret, often for long stretches of time. She is like to know and be known by any viera of Yascaret, but any village is possible given her wanderlust.Scrappers & Mechanics. While Lofn generally keeps to herself, she does spend quite a bit of time browsing scrap stalls and vendors in Kugane, Ishgard, and Ul'dah, taking particular interest in airship scrap and general magitek scrap. Purveyors of such scrap, or mechanical repair services, may have done business with her before.The Echo. Lofn has the Echo, though she is unaware that it is a condition others suffer—or even that it has a name. It manifests mostly as migraines, shared dreams, and unpredictable flashes of other people's (usually traumatic) memories. If you'd like Lofn to experience one of your character's memories, let's discuss it!

RP Info

Channels:/say & /em, /party, Discord, Google Docs
Format:Small paragraph (flexible), present tense
Themes:LGBT+, viera diaspora, viera culture, found family, adventure, sky pirates!, class tension, slice of life
Hard No:Transphobia (yes this includes futa, grow up), misogyny, homophobia, blending, metagaming, godmoding

I'm looking for long-term RP partners with similar interests in themes and character development. I also love to brainstorm pre-existing character connections, but I am perfectly fine RPing without them, too. One shots and short-term storylines are also fun!Discord: Willing to exchange once we know each other better.

Out of Character

I'm a reclusive gay artist who's recently emerged from her mountain cave to pursue RP again. I've been playing FFXIV since ARR launch and roleplaying in MMOs for longer than I care to admit. My hobbies include video games, writing, drawing, cooking, and talking about how much I love Fromsoft RPGs to anyone who will listen.I live in EST, but I don't mind RP partners in other timezones.Twitter: lofnyascaret
Tumblr: yascaret



♥ — Romantic
♡ — Flirtatious
△ — Complicated
◆ — Platonic
♣ — Trusted
♪ — Professional
✤ — Acquaintance
✔ — Positive
✘ — Negative
? — Unsure